
Aus DarkfleetWiki
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/** CSS an dieser Stelle wirkt sich auf alle Skins aus */
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 a:hover .NPC, a:active.NPC { display:inherit; }

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 /* Stylesheet-Ergänzung zu Standard-Navigationsleisten */
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 /* Navigationsleisten nicht mit ausdrucken */
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 /* Abgerundete Ecken für Rahmen (noch kein CSS-Standard, kommt in CSS 3.0) */

 position:absolute; z-index:1; border:none; background:none;
 right:12px; top:-3.2em; float:right; margin:0.0em;
 padding:0.0em; line-height:1.5em; text-align:right; text-indent:0;
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 /* Einstellungen für [[Cold Sunfire]]-ähnliche Tabellen */
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 table.coldsunfire td { padding: 2px; padding-left: 5px; background-color: #ECE9E6; border: 1px solid #D6CBC2; }
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 /* Gesamtkartenspezifisches */
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 .gesamtkartenwarnung { display:none; }

 /* Dient der Anzeige von [[MediaWiki:Anoneditwarning]] */
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 margin: 1em auto;
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/* Alternativlogo: Standard weg */
/* #p-logo { display: none; } */

/* SVG-Errors */
.MediaTransformError {
  overflow: hidden;

== schnee ==
// SnowFlakes-Script (c) 2009, Dominik Scholz / Webdesign

// amount of snow flakes
	var snow_amount = 50;
// colors of snowflakes
	var snow_color = new Array('#AAAACC', '#DDDDFF', '#CCCCDD', '#F3F3F3', '#F0FFFF');
// fonts to be used for snowflakes
	var snow_type = new Array('Arial Black', 'Arial Narrow', 'Times', 'Comic Sans MS');
// char used for snowflakes
	var snow_char = '*';
// vertical snowflakes speed
	var snow_speed = 2.4;
// timeout for animation
	var snow_timeout = 70;
// maximum size of snowflakes
	var snow_maxsize = 22;
// minimum size of snowflakes
	var snow_minsize = 8;
// maximal drift in each direction (left/right)
	var snow_drift = 15;

////////////////////// don't edit below this line //////////////////////
var snow_flakes = new Array();
var snow_body_width = 0;
var snow_body_height = 0;
var snow_resizing = false;
var snow_range = snow_maxsize - snow_minsize;
var snow_eventHandlerResize = window.onresize;
var snow_eventHandlerLoad = window.onload;

// register window resize event
//window.onresize = snow_resize;
//window.onload = snow_start;

// Schnee nur auf Hauptseite , by JaPPe
var url=document.URL.split("/");
if( url[4] == "Hauptseite" ) {
  window.onresize = snow_resize;
  window.onload = snow_start;

// start snow
function snow_start()
	if (snow_eventHandlerLoad != null) snow_eventHandlerLoad();

	// init window size

	// add new flakes
	while (snow_amount > snow_flakes.length)

	// start to move snow

////////////////////////////// functions ///////////////////////////////

// creates a new snowflake
function snow_flake_create(i)
	// select body tag
	var insertBody = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];

	// create span child for flake
	var insertFlake = document.createElement('div');             = 'flake'+i; = 'absolute';     = '0px';      = '-'+snow_maxsize+'px';   = 20000;
	insertFlake.innerHTML      = snow_char;

	// create array element
	snow_flakes[i]       = new Array();
	snow_flakes[i].x     = snow_random(snow_body_width-2*snow_drift-snow_maxsize-3) + snow_drift+1;
	snow_flakes[i].y     = -snow_maxsize-snow_random(snow_body_height);
	snow_flakes[i].size  = snow_random(snow_range) + snow_minsize;
	snow_flakes[i].count = snow_random(10000); = snow_color[snow_random(snow_color.length-1)]; = snow_type[snow_random(snow_type.length-1)]; = (snow_random(snow_range)+snow_minsize)+"px";

// restarts an existing snow flake
function snow_flake_restart(i)
	snow_flakes[i]       = new Array();
	snow_flakes[i].x     = snow_random(snow_body_width-2*snow_drift-snow_maxsize-3) + snow_drift+1;
	snow_flakes[i].y     = -snow_maxsize;
	snow_flakes[i].size  = snow_random(snow_range) + snow_minsize;
	snow_flakes[i].count = 0;

// move existing flakes
function snow_move()

	for (i=0; i<snow_flakes.length; i++)
		var flake = document.getElementById('flake'+i);

		// restart existing flake
		if ((snow_flakes[i].y + snow_flakes[i].size + 20) >= snow_body_height)

		snow_flakes[i].y += snow_speed;

		x = snow_flakes[i].x + Math.sin(snow_flakes[i].count / snow_flakes[i].size) * 15;
		y = snow_flakes[i].y; = x + 'px';  = y + 'px';

	// do it again
	window.setTimeout('snow_move();', snow_timeout);

function snow_random(range)
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * range);

function snow_window_size()
	// save old width
	var old_width = snow_body_width;

	// get new width
    snow_body_width = document.body.clientWidth - snow_maxsize - 20;
    snow_body_height = document.body.clientHeight;
	if ((window.innerHeight) && (window.innerHeight > snow_body_height))
		snow_body_height = window.innerHeight;
	else if ((document.body && document.body.offsetHeight) && (document.body.offsetHeight > snow_body_height))
    	snow_body_height = document.body.offsetHeight;

	// calculate correction ratio
	var ratio = snow_body_width / old_width;
	// for all flakes
	for (i=0; i<snow_flakes.length; i++)
		var flake = document.getElementById('flake'+i);

		// do width correction
		snow_flakes[i].x *= ratio;
		// restart existing flake
		if ((snow_flakes[i].y + snow_flakes[i].size + 20) >= snow_body_height)

// handle resize event
function snow_resize()
	if (snow_eventHandlerResize != null) snow_eventHandlerResize();
 // END snow
 // ============================================================